Postal purchase of precious metals

technical gold

technical gold

technical silver

technical silver

technical platinum

technical platinum

technical palladium

technical palladium

technical rhodium

technical rhodium

Please follow these instructions:

Pack the material carefully, add a brief description and your contact informations (phone,e-mail and address) and send it as a registered mail to our address.

Once we receive the package, we will contact you immediately.

For larger amount of technical material is better to send sample first, so we can determine the content of precious metal. Determination is free of charge.

Once we recieve your material, we’ll analyze authenticity, purity and determine the weight, then we’ll arrange the price.

Purchase price of technical materials is determined according to yield of delivered material.

If both sides will agree, we’ll send agreed amount including postage to your account or by postal order. Otherwise we’ll send your material back to your address.

In case of any questions or requests, do not hesitate to contact us.

Email: rafinex@rafinex.cz.

  • Best purchase prices.
  • Professional approach and service with a lot of satisfied customers.
  • Your purchase reciept will be immediately sent to your address.
  • Our service is available to all individuals who are at least 18 years old with valid ID

Call us

+420 604 722 933